Bologna Process at DPU

Duhok Polytechnic University's decision to transition from the Course System to the Bologna Process, in alignment with the recommendations of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education, marks a significant step towards enhancing the quality of education and promoting student mobility.

The Bologna Process, an intergovernmental initiative involving 49 European countries and various European institutions, including EUA, aims to improve the quality and recognition of higher education systems in Europe while fostering collaboration both within Europe and on a global scale.

Initiated in 1998-1999, the Bologna Process set forth reform objectives for participating countries, including the establishment of a three-cycle degree structure (bachelor, master's, doctorate) and the adoption of shared tools like the European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) ) and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Despite progress, the full implementation of these goals remained incomplete in many countries, leading to the continuation of the Bologna Process when the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was announced in 2010.

Over time, the Bologna Process has evolved into a comprehensive platform for coordinated higher education throughout Europe. It addresses various aspects, from fundamental values and teaching methods to long-standing commitments sustained attention.

Duhok Polytechnic University, embraces the Bologna Process as a means to align with global developments in higher education and adapt to changing market dynamics. It recognizes the Bologna Process as a pathway towards practical education and hands-on learning, striving to bridge the gap between the university and the job market while prioritizing the employability of its graduates. DPU's vision for implementing the Bologna Process includes becoming a leading university in the Kurdistan Region, with a focus on alumni employment ability, university-business collaboration, entrepreneurship, and competency development.

The key objectives of implementing the Bologna Process at DPU are as follows:

  1. Fostering student-centered learning, shifting away from traditional teacher-centered approaches.
  2. Empowering students to take charge of their education, placing them at the core of the learning process.
  3. Expanding the learning environment and enhancing educational quality.
  4. Strengthening the connection between the university and the workplace.
  5. Cultivating trust and rekindling enthusiasm for education and university life.
  6. Developing students' competencies, skills, confidence, and self-esteem.
  7. Assessing students' performance and competencies through the ECTS system.
  8. Making education enjoyable and practical, encouraging experiential learning and teamwork.
  9. Designing a curriculum that meets market demands and boosts employment prospects for graduates.
  10. Ensuring transparency and fairness in student assessment through the ECTS system.
  11. Promoting lifelong learning, graduate employment ability, student-centered learning, learning by doing, education, research, and innovation, international cooperation, and student mobility through multidimensional transparency tools.

In accordance with the four MoHE-KRG recommendations, the university has equated 1 ECTS to 27 workload hours. Students are required to complete 30 ECTS per semester, equivalent to 810 workload hours per semester and 1620 workload hours per academic year. In addition to fulfilling the ECTS requirements, students must also meet module-specific requirements to successfully progress through each semester.

To assess students' performance, a combination of summative and formal assessments is employed. Summative assessments include end-of-term and midterm exams, while formal assessments play a vital role in understanding students' knowledge acquisition during the learning process. These formal assessments may include quizzes, focus groups, case study analyses, group presentations, oral presentations, video presentations, assignments, student portfolios, learning diaries, and more.