Protected Cultivation


To achieve the vision of the department in the field of protected cultivation sciences by providing a distinguished education for the preparation of qualified graduates with diplomas, capable of competing in the labor market, leading academic and development research, and unique community services within the framework of quality standards. In the absence of any agricultural department specializing in protected cultivation and the lack of graduates of this section, from our point of view, the opening of a section of protected agriculture will benefit the community largely from the graduate. In the region there is no such department and which opened this department we see its very important work.


The Department of Protected Cultivation of the Technical Institute in Zakho is looking forward to leading the agricultural sciences locally and regionally and in the fields of education, scientific research and community partnership, in accordance with quality standards.

From our point of view, opening this department will be an incentive for the farmers of the region to obtain the expertise and good information of the professional agricultural supervisors who graduated from this Institute. This department will be a way to develop our agricultural products and how to teach agricultural production methods scientifically and professionally.